"To gain insight from the common place is nothing new: Fine art often follows folk art."

"Substance for a writer consists not merely of those realities he thinks he discover; it consists even more of those realities which have been made available to him by the literature and idioms of his own times and by the images that still have vitality in the literature of the past. Stylistically, a writer can express his feeling this substance either by imitation, if it sits with him, or by parody, if it doesn't."

George Henderson, JC London and Architectural Associationism, Architectural Review, July-September, 1968

""-- only as a phenomenon of architectural communication, - just as analysis of the structure of a gothic Cathedral need not indulge debate on the morality of mediaeval religion, so the Las Vegas values are not questioned here" ------------ hummmm?

Images and Quotes From
Learning from Las Vegas by
Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour, MIT Press, 1972
