

1 a : a group of people united in a formal wa

3 a : a rank, class, or special group in a community or society b : a class of persons or things grouped according to quality, value, or natural characteristics: as (1) : a category of taxonomic classification ranking above the family and below the class (2) : the broadest category in soil classification

4 a (1) : RANK, LEVEL <a statesman of the first order> (2) : CATEGORY, CLASS <in emergencies of this order -- R. B. Westerfield> b (1) : the arrangement or sequence of objects or of events in time <listed the items in order of importance> (2) : a sequential arrangement of mathematical elements c : DEGREE 12a, b d (1) : the number of times differentiation is applied successively <derivatives of higher order> (2) of a differential equation : the order of the derivative of highest order e : the number of columns or rows or columns and rows in a magic square, determinant, or matrix <the order of a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns is 2 by 3> f : the number of elements in a finite mathematical group

5 a (1) : a sociopolitical system <was opposed to changes in the established order> (2) : a particular sphere or aspect of a sociopolitical system <the present economic order> b : a regular or harmonious arrangement <the order of nature>

7 a : the state of peace, freedom from confused or unruly behavior, and respect for law or proper authority <promised to restore law and order> b : a specific rule, regulation, or authoritative direction : COMMAND

8 a : a style of building b : a type of column and entablature forming the unit of a style

10 a : a written direction to pay money to someone b : a commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods or to perform work c : goods or items bought or sold d : an assigned or requested undertaking <landing men on the moon was a large order>