
Main Entry: pres·tige

Pronunciation: pre-'stEzh, -'stEj

Function: noun

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: French, from Middle French, conjuror's trick, illusion, from Latin praestigiae,

plural, conjuror's tricks, from praestringere to graze, blunt, constrict, from prae- +

stringere to bind tight -- more at STRAIN

Date: 1829

1 : standing or estimation in the eyes of people : weight or credit in general opinion

2 : commanding position in people's minds

synonym see INFLUENCE

Main Entry: 1sway

Pronunciation: 'swA

Function: noun

Date: 14th century

1 : the action or an instance of swaying or of being swayed : an oscillating, fluctuating, or sweeping motion

2 : an inclination or deflection caused by or as if by swaying

3 a : a controlling influence b : sovereign power : DOMINION c : the ability to exercise influence or authority : DOMINANCE

synonym see POWER