1 |
Aleph |
Bet |
Gimel |
Dalet |
Hei |
Vav |
Zayin |
Chet |
Tet |
Yud |
20 |
Kaf |
Lamed |
40 |
Mem |
50 |
Nun |
Samek |
Ayin |
80 |
Pei |
90 |
Tzadik |
Kuf |
Reish |
Shin |
Tav |
Digital Image Map(s): Aleph-Beit Series/System by W. K. Angel
Selecting an image will give a larger version of that image. |
(these are not paintings) |
or just click and play |
BITS column: select a letter for an enlarged segment |
chart of letter sounds |
MAPS column: select a number for a 4 way digital mapping |
The Image Maps are an example of the digitalness of the images. |
The 4 odd images are altered by PhotoShop's Adjust: |
Threshold |
Invert |
Posterize |
Equalize |
The Calculator exemplifies a functioning alphabetic system |
There is a brief explanation, a bit about the process and |
the paint project that preceded this project, a chart of the Hebrew |
letters |
and links to sites about the aleph-bet and |
alphabets |
Feedback is welcome if you want to comment or question the |
The image calculator may take a couple minutes to load.
And the digital maps may take a moment as well.
Copyright of Wendy Angel at ActualArt