The project is endless with no definable start or finish. It is a meditation as well as a study. It is related to my other work, the works of others and on and on. It includes ideas as well as experience. This becomes a fairly complicate web, net or tapestry. The "Tree of Life" symbolizes the ein sof (endlessness) with 10 sifriot (books) or "nodules." 22 pathways related to the letter/numbers of the Aleph-Bet link the sifriot/nodules in an organic growth related symbol. In ancient times the concept of tapestry and weaving was used for a complex interrelated system/structure. The hub of the knowable world on the tree is referred to as tiperet. This is usually translated an "beauty" or "splendor" but the root of the word is (tapestry/stitch). So, the metaphor of network type system/structure is not new. The symbols and implications of the Aleph-Bet are extensive. And it is significant to state that I am not a scholar of Hebrew Letters. Any truths or mistakes that may be contained or alluded to in these pages may be coincidental or synchronistic. I am simply engaging with the material and observing where it takes me. One might call this a sort of digital midrash or simply a project regarding the Aleph-Bet. |