Toxic Waste:Alien Abductions:Stories:Influence:Christina Williams:LA Riots:Civil Rights:other

Fear at Fort Ord


The United States Government


Extra-terrestrial Entities


Richard K. Wilson


Sylvan Burns

In 1961, John Kennedy was elected president. He orders NORAD not to divulge information about foreign space vehicles.

Experiments with ultrasonics and brain lesions are done by universities. Donald Keyhoe begins sending proof of his censorship to Congress. At Fort Ord, 221 military members are abducted and implanted with devices. They and their families are sequestered.

By May 1961, a House subcommittee had been formed to look int the subject of UFOs. It was again put down and the problem seemed to 'disappear' for a while. Kennedy, dissatisfied with some areas in the covert governmental structure, threatens to go public. In 1962 the Bilderbergers meet to discuss the problem.

…There is evidence that new Army divisions, like those at Fort Lewis in Washington, will have a dual foreign and domestic role. Another planned division will be located at Fort Ord, California.


 Abduction terminals in the military?

Abduction terminals in the military? My story started at age five in 1951 when I saw a spaceship when we were living in West Virginia. I told my...

When I came home from Vietnam in Oct., 1967, I was twenty one years old and in the army. I was stationed at Fort Ord, California in what was called C.D.E.C. OR COMBAT DEVELOPMENTS EXPERIMENTAL COMMAND. We would be bussed eighty miles out into the Mojave Desert to "HUNTER LIGGETT MILITARY RESERVATION CA." which was where we did our so called experiments.

I was standing there looking up from the ground just like before but they weren't there any longer and I was missing three hours????? My friends were not. When I was returned, I told my friends we had to tell my platoon Sergeant Sgt. Palmer about what had happened. This man then threatened me with the Psycho ward back at Ft.Ord if I didn't keep my mouth shut. After hearing that, I became furious and insisted that it go on record. He said he would put it on record and then told me that he and others had seen them, too, and tried to talk me out of what I was about to do, I replied that it was my job as I was on guard duty and was bound by my oath to report anything strange or unusual and this was indeed strange and unusual! I couldn't believe what happened next, for my efforts I ended up on the psycho ward at Ft. Ord, California and was diagnosed as a Paranoid Schizophrenic.
George Ritter


Toxic Waste - Alien Abductions - Stories - Influence
Christina Williams - LA Riots - Civil Rights - odds & ends