Marcial Law
(The area is in the Monterey-Pacific
Grove-Carmel area. The DOD installations include: The Naval Postgraduate
School, the Fort Ord base (now being closed), the Defense Language Institute,
and some Navy undersea warfare think tanks. Also, some CIA-affiliated think
tanks (suspected: Monterey Institute for International Studies). CIA spooks
visit the area, and his store, for various reasons. I surmise that he supplies
some of the folks down at Camp Roberts and Camp Hunter Liggett. Viewers
of some Tom Clancy movies will recognize this is where snipers and special
forces get training.)
… He didn't say his sources _knew_ that martial law was going to be implemented, but that the sources had seen plans for possible implementation. Now this could just be the usual rumor mill process. But to lend some plausibility to this tidbit, this area is a hotbed of certain kinds of counterinsurgency warfare (Fort Ord had been a major center of this, now moved up to Washington State somewhere--Fort Lewis, I think. But many of the staffers remained or retired in the Monterey-Carmel-Pebble Beach area, and they hear things. And the think tanks are where such plans are often formulated and "gamed." |
An Artist at War:
The Journal of John Gaitha Browning |
Journals cover from February 6, 1943, in Fort Ord, California, through his journey to Australia; his experiences there in Brisbane and Cairns and then in New Guinea; and his combat experience in the Philippines, ending June 20, 1945. |
Nostalgia | Fort Ord Then. Comanche. Old Bill with his horse "Comanche". Bill and Comanche were a part of most military parades and functions... |
Common Ground | "Looking for Robert James Jones who I have been separated from for 35 years. We were separated in Boeblingen Germany when he was reassigned to Fort Ord. Ca., after a car accident with my mother. His service number is 524-727 56. Anyone one knowing him or his current whereabouts please e-mail his daughter Patricia, or, or write 2403 main st. surgoinsville, TN 37873." |
Gulf War
On the eve of an announcement
of a Congressional investigation into the Òoctober SurpriseÓ,
Russbacher was to have taken a helicopter trip with Navy Intelligence officers,
but he did not take the trip. The helicopter carrying several Naval Intelligence
officers was reported to have crashed near or on Fort Ord in California.
Russbacher, who was willing to tape this interview, states that had he
been on the helicopter he would be dead right now.
In fact, because of that crash, Russbacher wanted this interview taped for safety reasons. |
German POWs | Similar tunnels were discovered
at several other camps across the country.
At Fort Ord, California, near Monterey, American authorities aborted an escape by some 500 German POWs when they stumbled upon a 120-foot tunnel running five feet underground from the edge of the compound toward the stockade limits. Working at night, the prisoners had dug through the sandy soil with garden tools, disposed of the excavated dirt by scattering it throughout the compound, and had shored the walls of the two and a half-foot wide tunnel with boards from fruit boxes, scrap lumber, and flattened tin cans. |
In 1951, the Department of the Army established a 20-week basic bandsman course at the United States Navy School of Music, and an 8-week basic course at band training units located at Fort Ord, Fort Knox, Fort Jackson, Fort Leonard Wood, and Fort Dix. These 8-week courses were later increased to 16 weeks. |
Great California
Land Grab |
![]() From Bases To Business They're calling it the Great California Land Grab. ![]() ![]() At Fort Ord Airfield, formerly Ford Ord Army Base, in Monterey County, Hiller Aircraft expanded its helicopter manufacturing operations last fall into a 67,000-sq.-ft. (6,030-sq.-m.) facility. The city of Marina, meanwhile, has received a $500,000 California Enterprise Fund grant to install a sewer and water system for a new industrial park at Marina Municipal Airport, formerly also part of Ford Ord. It's the second Enterprise Fund grant for Marina, which last year received a same-amount award to develop a business incubator at the site. |
The Weather | On 19 May 1984, as a commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy, the American Meteorological Society sponsored a one-day symposium at Fort Ord, California, to review and examine the meteorological aspects of the invasion. |
Toxic Waste - Alien
Abductions - Stories - Influence
Christina Williams -
LA Riots - Civil Rights
- odds & ends